The Municipal Government of Arajuno is an Autonomous and decentralized Institution that generates, guides and regulates urban and rural cantonal development in a planned way, providing infrastructure works and basic equipment with the contribution of the community, offering quality services to raise the standard of living of its population with social equity. Within a framework of transparency, it enhances human, economic, and natural resources through national and international financial management and responsibly assumes the decentralization process, in compliance with its binational role, fostering neighborhood alliances for the regional development of the border.
Based on laws and regulations of the constitutional mandate, formulate administrative policies and new municipal management strategies with the social principle of citizen participation to achieve change and development of the canton and thus improve living conditions in a balanced environment of good living, respecting the conditions of the physical space and the environment in which it is located.
Get to know the public dignities that were democratically elected to form the administration of the Autonomous Decentralized, Intercultural and Plurinational Government of the Arajuno Canton (GADMIPA).

Lcdo. Darwin Tanguila

Ing. Ivan Molina
Lcdo. Libio Dahua

Sr. Patricio Grefa

Sr. Samuel santi

Sr. Abrahan Boyotai